Six motivations for attending live music

This research was conducted by Martijn Mulder and Erik Hitters at Erasmus University Rotterdam, Netherlands


This paper was able to identify six distinct motivations for attending live music – either at festivals or concerts. The first and strongest motivational component was 'togetherness' (including socialising, dancing, singing along, etc.). 'Escapism' was …

How people understand social exclusion at music concerts

This research was conducted by Stijn Daenekindt at Erasmus University Rotterdam, the Netherlands


This paper tackles the question of why people feel that some concerts are exclusive and excluding. The data comes from a survey of people in Belgium which included questions about attitudes towards classical and pop/rock concerts. Ultimately …

Why people go to pop concerts

This research was conducted by Steven Caldwell Brown and Don Knox at the University of Edinburgh and Glasgow Caledonian University


This research used an online survey of 249 people to uncover four main reasons why people attend pop concerts: they seek experience, engagement with others, to hear something novel and …

By | 29 November 2018 |

Understanding the audience at a jazz and blues festival

This research was conducted by Karen Burland at the University of Leeds and Stephanie E. Pitts at the University of Sheffield, UK


This study set out to examine audience participation and engagement in a well-established jazz and blues festival held annually in Edinburgh. The festival audience had high expectations of …

By | 19 January 2017 |

Live jazz: the importance of the audience-performer relationship

This research was carried out by Gail Brand, John Sloboda, Ben Saul and Martin Hathaway at the Guildhall School of Music and Drama, UK


The researchers conducted a pilot study to investigate how the audience-performer relationship contributes to the success of a jazz performance. They arrived at three major findings. …

By | 12 January 2017 |

Concert attendance reduces stress and improves immune function

This research was conducted by Daisy Fancourt and Aaron Williamon at the Royal College of Music and Imperial College London


This study was the first to investigate the impact of the arts on health and wellbeing by assessing the effects of attending a live, public concert on hormonal responses. The …

By | 7 July 2016 |

What aging facilities mean for performances and audiences

This research was conducted by Geoffrey Propheter at the New York City Independent Budget Office, USA


Many Americans (almost one quarter in 2013) attend popular music concerts, making them an important amenity for communities. There are also wider benefits to the area: civic pride, local jobs and income. For this …

By | 8 February 2016 |