Cultural mega-events can adversely affect local residents

This research was conducted by Lasse Steiner, Bruno Frey and Simone Hotz at the University of Zurich, Switzerland


This paper looked at what happens to people when their region hosts the European Capital of Culture (ECOC). Such events often involve a great deal of public investment, a programme of activity …

By | 22 February 2016 |

Group music training improves children's pro-social skills

This research was conducted by E. Glenn Schellenberg, Kathleen A. Coriggall, Sebastian P. Dys and Tina Malti at the University of Toronto Mississauga, Canada


This study investigated whether group music training in early childhood is associated with improved pro-social skills. The researchers followed 38 Canadian eight- and nine-year olds over …

By | 14 January 2016 |

Dance raises your pain threshold and aids social bonding

This research was conducted by Bronwyn Tarr, Jacques Launay, Emma Cohen and Robin Dunbar at the University of Oxford, UK


Dance is a common cultural activity in which participants exert themselves in synchrony with music and with one another. Dancing is thought to help in the building of social bonds. …

By | 7 January 2016 |

Arts participation can enhance civil society

This research was conducted by Kelly Leroux and Anna Bernadska at the University of Illinois at Chicago, USA


This study examines the effect that arts attendance and participation have on three dimensions of civil society: civic engagement, social tolerance, and way people think about others. Researchers found that individuals who …

By | 11 December 2014 |

Youth theatre provides a space for young people to gain skills they need to succeed

This research was conducted by Jenny Hughes and Karen Wilson at the University of Manchester


This paper presents the findings of a study of youth theatre.  The paper explores some key questions around the impact of taking part in youth theatre on young people’s personal and social development. Overall they …

By | 11 December 2014 |

Using the arts to help social cohesion

This research was conducted by Dahyun Lee at Ohio State University, USA


This paper describes what happened in Columbus Ohio during the Guernica Peace Mural Programme in July 2010. The GPMP brought together 18 US graduate students and approximately 20 Somali children over five days to create a piece of …

By | 26 April 2014 |

Arts marketing needs to integrate a social impact dimension to satisfy stakeholders

This research was conducted by Hye-Kyung Lee at King's College London, UK


The paper looked at how marketing can inform the way that arts organisations respond to changing national policy that impacts upon their objectives and mission. The study was based on interviews with staff at four theatres in the …

By | 11 April 2014 |

Group singing helps people cope with adverse life events

This research was conducted by Genevieve von Lob, Paul Camic and Stephen Clift at Canterbury Christ Church University, UK


The paper reports a series of interviews conducted with 16 people who had experienced an adverse life event (or multiple events) and were also members of a choir. These people used …

By | 11 March 2014 |

Theatre allows people to lose themselves for a moment, and find new ways of viewing the world

This research was conducted by Ben Walmsley at Leeds Metropolitan University, UK [Now at the University of Leeds, UK]


The paper looks at the intrinsic impact of theatre on its audiences. It does so in language used by audiences themselves. The research identified general themes of ‘emotion, captivation, engagement, enrichment, …

By | 9 December 2013 |

Cultural engagement can bring you psychological wellbeing

This research was conducted by Enzo Grossi, Giorgio Tavano Blessi,  Pier Luigi Sacco, Massimo Buscema at the Bracco Medical Department, IULM University, Free University, Bozen and the Semeion Research Centre, Italy


The data for this study came from a survey of a representative sample of 1,500 Italian adults that measured …

By | 5 December 2013 |